Suddenly I think I always knew I had my share of mistakes...
Made quite a few...Finally I know and that's for sure
I don't look back in anger anymore....
News Flash....TMNET sucks big time.... Well, it's already known, tmnet and their streamyx sucks big time... but hell, for the past few months, everything is okay, I don't mind... until now, they already step in the boundary... As you all already know, durin the late September and early October, tmnet has enforce internet shaping, which is very disturbing.... application affected...P2P application such as limewire and torrent.... very disturbing indeed..... it is very frustrating for the users of P2P app, seeing that their app being shaped...
F**K.....this what happened when you monopolize the entire Malaysian Internet... they can enforce whatever they want, and not telling the customer anything... and it is kind of a rip off when you purchase a package worth RM77 and you can only do surfing the internet and read email.... or maybe chat once in a while..... if that's the case, better use the 1515 line, although the speed is like slower than a snail,it's kind of worth it....if you only want to read emails, which is likely most of those emails are spams....
Oh...first there's Pak Lah, and KJ, now it's tmnet guess this is what you get for 49 years of independence....still no freedom in an own country,or even at your own comfort of homes....
Well...this could be the end of the greatest technology after mp3 and internet.... TMNET SUCKS BIG TIME Jane!!!
p/s: Aku pon tak puas hati kat TMNET nih...sesia la aku subscribe streamyx...tujuanku hanya satu-->torrent...arghhh....